People Making a Difference

The Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts looks for volunteer ushers who possess a genuine willingness to serve, demonstrate a high level of care and respect, and display impeccable courtesy and graciousness towards all patrons. A professional demeanor and punctuality towards all assignments are a must for all volunteer ushers.

Log in to the Volunteer System.

To apply to become a volunteer:

Volunteer Application Form [PDF]

Please submit forms at our Box Office at 2 Bay Street, Parry Sound or by email to Leigh Weeks at

  • How Much Time Does this Involve?

    The time you commit is up to you, according to your availability and interest. Some volunteers work a few events per year, while others donate several hours each month.

  • How Will I Know What to Do?

    Orientation and training is provided in the area that appeals to you. Theatre staff and experienced volunteers will be on hand to help you become confident in your role.

  • Who Chooses Which Events I Work?

    You decide which shows or activities to volunteer for by signing up with the volunteer system on our website. You may also be called or emailed when extra help is needed, but the choice is always yours.

  • Why Become a Volunteer?
    • Meet new people
    • Learn New Skills
    • Discover or confirm career interest
    • Enrich Retirement
    • See some of your favourite artists and be exposed to new ones
    • Receive free training, such as CPR, First Aid and Smart Serve
    • Be a proud member of a great team and know that you are enhancing your community
    • It’s fun!

You Can Make a Difference

Volunteers play an important role at the Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts and the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame. From seating audience members (ushers) to developing long range plans, volunteers are key to the success of the Stockey Centre.



To offer valuable services and support to the Stockey Centre, it’s users and the greater community.

To create an opportunity for social interaction and learning for volunteers.

To provide a vehicle for members of the community to have input on the direction and operations of the Stockey Centre.



Front of House

Members of this crew are people who like to work with the public. They can be found greeting theatre-goers at the entrance, as ushers in the front of the house, handing out programs and helping people to locate their seat. There are also opportunities in the concession area such as selling refreshments, operating the bar or coat check.

Please contact Leigh Weeks at  (705) 746-4466 ext. 406 or


Help us decorate, design displays and spice up the holiday seasons. We need your help and expertise to create displays for our upcoming shows and/or decorate for any and every season. If you’re creative, have a knack for design or just plain like helping out, this is the job for you.

Please contact Leigh Weeks at (705) 746-4466 ext. 406 or


Aid us in getting the word out to the community about our events. This entails anything from distributing our season brochures, putting up posters, delivering table toppers to restaurants and sending out flyers to local merchants, info centres and various places of interest. We encourage all your input and marketing suggestions.

Please contact Kelsey Norris at (705) 746-4466 ext. 401 or

Tour Guides

A number of groups come to visit the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame each year. Many are looking for a guided tour of the Hall. As a tour guide, you will become familiar with the games and exhibits, lead groups through Hall providing a brief description of each exhibit area, assist them with the games, and answer questions as they explore the Hall.

Please contact Leigh Weeks at (705) 746-4466 ext. 406 or