Hugging the shores of Georgian Bay, the Town of Parry Sound is the world renowned jewel of the 30,000 Islands of Georgian Bay. Located approximately 2 hours north of Toronto, and forty-five minutes away by air, Parry Sound is the commercial hub servicing a year-round population of 18,000 and a seasonal population of 60,000 plus.
For more information on the Parry Sound Area please visit: parrysound.ca
The Charles W. Stockey Centre is also home to the Parry Sound Area’s Visitor Information Centre as of May 2016, which offers FREE membership for all West Parry Sound Area Businesses for display of business related brochures, pamphlets, booklets, magazines, and flyers.
The Stockey Centre is also welcoming West Parry Sound Area businesses to send advertising images for your business to Kelsey at knorris@stockeycentre.com to display on the digital area advertisement station located in The Stockey Centre’s lobby for $10 + HST a month. Contact Kelsey at knorris@stockeycentre.com or (705) 746-4466 ext. 401 for more details and to reserve your space!
We are excited to provide these services that will help to link visitors to our local businesses. It is important to also clarify what we are not able to provide and is not part of our services:
- Destination marketing services – We will not be providing destination marketing services and will not be actually promoting any specific business or booking any services on behalf of local businesses.
- Telephone information – We will be operating as a visitor information location, complete with the directional signage that will bring visitors off the highway and through town right to the waterfront. We support the position that customers calling for information should be contacting the businesses directly. Our phone number will not be published for Visitor Information.
- Website Services – The Town of Parry Sound website currently offers a ‘Visit Us’ section. The Stockey Centre and Bobby Orr Hall of Fame Websites will continue to focus on their own lines of business.